Version: 2.0.11


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Declared in "libtorrent/session.hpp"

this is a holder for the internal session implementation object. Once the session destruction is explicitly initiated, this holder is used to synchronize the completion of the shutdown. The lifetime of this object may outlive session, causing the session destructor to not block. The session_proxy destructor will block however, until the underlying session is done shutting down.

struct session_proxy
   session_proxy& operator= (session_proxy const&) &;
   session_proxy ();
   ~session_proxy ();
   session_proxy (session_proxy const&);
   session_proxy& operator= (session_proxy&&) & noexcept;
   session_proxy (session_proxy&&) noexcept;
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~session_proxy() operator=() session_proxy()

session_proxy& operator= (session_proxy const&) &;
session_proxy ();
~session_proxy ();
session_proxy (session_proxy const&);
session_proxy& operator= (session_proxy&&) & noexcept;
session_proxy (session_proxy&&) noexcept;

default constructor, does not refer to any session implementation object.

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Declared in "libtorrent/session.hpp"

The session holds all state that spans multiple torrents. Among other things it runs the network loop and manages all torrents. Once it's created, the session object will spawn the main thread that will do all the work. The main thread will be idle as long it doesn't have any torrents to participate in.

You have some control over session configuration through the session_handle::apply_settings() member function. To change one or more configuration options, create a settings_pack. object and fill it with the settings to be set and pass it in to session::apply_settings().

see apply_settings().

struct session : session_handle
   session (session_params&& params, session_flags_t flags);
   session ();
   session (session_params const& params, session_flags_t flags);
   explicit session (session_params&& params);
   explicit session (session_params const& params);
   session (session_params const& params, io_context& ios, session_flags_t);
   session (session_params&& params, io_context& ios);
   session (session_params const& params, io_context& ios);
   session (session_params&& params, io_context& ios, session_flags_t);
   ~session ();
   session_proxy abort ();
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session (session_params&& params, session_flags_t flags);
session ();
session (session_params const& params, session_flags_t flags);
explicit session (session_params&& params);
explicit session (session_params const& params);

Constructs the session objects which acts as the container of torrents. In order to avoid a race condition between starting the session and configuring it, you can pass in a session_params object. Its settings will take effect before the session starts up.

The overloads taking flags can be used to start a session in paused mode (by passing in session::paused). Note that add_default_plugins do not have an affect on constructors that take a session_params object. It already contains the plugins to use.

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session (session_params const& params, io_context& ios, session_flags_t);
session (session_params&& params, io_context& ios);
session (session_params const& params, io_context& ios);
session (session_params&& params, io_context& ios, session_flags_t);

Overload of the constructor that takes an external io_context to run the session object on. This is primarily useful for tests that may want to run multiple sessions on a single io_context, or low resource systems where additional threads are expensive and sharing an io_context with other events is fine.


The session object does not cleanly terminate with an external io_context. The io_context::run() call must have returned before it's safe to destruct the session. Which means you MUST call session::abort() and save the session_proxy first, then destruct the session object, then sync with the io_context, then destruct the session_proxy object.

[report issue]


~session ();

The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents have been shut down. If some trackers are down, they will time out. All this before the destructor of session returns. So, it's advised that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before destructing the session object. Because it can take a few second for it to finish. The timeout can be set with apply_settings().

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session_proxy abort ();

In case you want to destruct the session asynchronously, you can request a session destruction proxy. If you don't do this, the destructor of the session object will block while the trackers are contacted. If you keep one session_proxy to the session when destructing it, the destructor will not block, but start to close down the session, the destructor of the proxy will then synchronize the threads. So, the destruction of the session is performed from the session destructor call until the session_proxy destructor call. The session_proxy does not have any operations on it (since the session is being closed down, no operations are allowed on it). The only valid operation is calling the destructor:

struct session_proxy {};
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Declared in "libtorrent/session_params.hpp"

The session_params is a parameters pack for configuring the session before it's started.

struct session_params
   session_params (settings_pack&& sp);
   session_params (settings_pack const& sp);
   session_params ();
   session_params (settings_pack const& sp
      , std::vector<std::shared_ptr<plugin>> exts);
   session_params (settings_pack&& sp
      , std::vector<std::shared_ptr<plugin>> exts);

   settings_pack settings;
   std::vector<std::shared_ptr<plugin>> extensions;
   dht::dht_state dht_state;
   dht::dht_storage_constructor_type dht_storage_constructor;
   disk_io_constructor_type disk_io_constructor;
   std::map<std::string, std::string> ext_state;
   libtorrent::ip_filter ip_filter;
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session_params (settings_pack&& sp);
session_params (settings_pack const& sp);
session_params ();

This constructor can be used to start with the default plugins (ut_metadata, ut_pex and smart_ban). Pass a settings_pack to set the initial settings when the session starts.

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session_params (settings_pack const& sp
      , std::vector<std::shared_ptr<plugin>> exts);
session_params (settings_pack&& sp
      , std::vector<std::shared_ptr<plugin>> exts);

This constructor helps to configure the set of initial plugins to be added to the session before it's started.

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The settings to configure the session with
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the plugins to add to the session as it is constructed
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DHT node ID and node addresses to bootstrap the DHT with.
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function object to construct the storage object for DHT items.
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function object to create the disk I/O subsystem. Defaults to default_disk_io_constructor.
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this container can be used by extensions/plugins to store settings. It's primarily here to make it convenient to save and restore state across sessions, using read_session_params() and write_session_params().
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the IP filter to use for the session. This restricts which peers are allowed to connect. As if passed to set_ip_filter().
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Declared in "libtorrent/session_handle.hpp"

this class provides a non-owning handle to a session and a subset of the interface of the session class. If the underlying session is destructed any handle to it will no longer be valid. is_valid() will return false and any operation on it will throw a system_error exception, with error code invalid_session_handle.

struct session_handle
   bool is_valid () const;
   session_params session_state (save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all()) const;
   std::vector<torrent_status> get_torrent_status (
      std::function<bool(torrent_status const&)> const& pred
      , status_flags_t flags = {}) const;
   void refresh_torrent_status (std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
      , status_flags_t flags = {}) const;
   void post_torrent_updates (status_flags_t flags = status_flags_t::all());
   void post_session_stats ();
   void post_dht_stats ();
   void set_dht_state (dht::dht_state const& st);
   void set_dht_state (dht::dht_state&& st);
   std::vector<torrent_handle> get_torrents () const;
   torrent_handle find_torrent (sha1_hash const& info_hash) const;
   void async_add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params);
   void async_add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params);
   torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params, error_code& ec);
   torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params);
   torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params, error_code& ec);
   torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params);
   void pause ();
   bool is_paused () const;
   void resume ();
   bool is_dht_running () const;
   void set_dht_storage (dht::dht_storage_constructor_type sc);
   void add_dht_node (std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);
   void dht_get_item (sha1_hash const& target);
   void dht_get_item (std::array<char, 32> key
      , std::string salt = std::string());
   sha1_hash dht_put_item (entry data);
   void dht_put_item (std::array<char, 32> key
      , std::function<void(entry&, std::array<char, 64>&
      , std::int64_t&, std::string const&)> cb
      , std::string salt = std::string());
   void dht_get_peers (sha1_hash const& info_hash);
   void dht_announce (sha1_hash const& info_hash, int port = 0, dht::announce_flags_t flags = {});
   void dht_live_nodes (sha1_hash const& nid);
   void dht_sample_infohashes (udp::endpoint const& ep, sha1_hash const& target);
   void dht_direct_request (udp::endpoint const& ep, entry const& e, client_data_t userdata = {});
   void add_extension (std::shared_ptr<plugin> ext);
   void add_extension (std::function<std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(
      torrent_handle const&, client_data_t)> ext);
   void set_ip_filter (ip_filter f);
   ip_filter get_ip_filter () const;
   void set_port_filter (port_filter const& f);
   bool is_listening () const;
   unsigned short listen_port () const;
   unsigned short ssl_listen_port () const;
   ip_filter get_peer_class_filter () const;
   void set_peer_class_filter (ip_filter const& f);
   peer_class_type_filter get_peer_class_type_filter () const;
   void set_peer_class_type_filter (peer_class_type_filter const& f);
   peer_class_t create_peer_class (char const* name);
   void delete_peer_class (peer_class_t cid);
   void set_peer_class (peer_class_t cid, peer_class_info const& pci);
   peer_class_info get_peer_class (peer_class_t cid) const;
   void remove_torrent (const torrent_handle&, remove_flags_t = {});
   void apply_settings (settings_pack const&);
   settings_pack get_settings () const;
   void apply_settings (settings_pack&&);
   void set_alert_notify (std::function<void()> const& fun);
   alert* wait_for_alert (time_duration max_wait);
   void pop_alerts (std::vector<alert*>* alerts);
   void delete_port_mapping (port_mapping_t handle);
   std::vector<port_mapping_t> add_port_mapping (portmap_protocol t, int external_port, int local_port);
   void reopen_network_sockets (reopen_network_flags_t options = reopen_map_ports);
   std::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> native_handle () const;

   static constexpr save_state_flags_t save_settings  = 0_bit;
   static constexpr save_state_flags_t save_dht_state  = 2_bit;
   static constexpr save_state_flags_t save_extension_state  = 11_bit;
   static constexpr save_state_flags_t save_ip_filter  = 12_bit;
   static constexpr peer_class_t global_peer_class_id {0};
   static constexpr peer_class_t tcp_peer_class_id {1};
   static constexpr peer_class_t local_peer_class_id {2};
   static constexpr remove_flags_t delete_files  = 0_bit;
   static constexpr remove_flags_t delete_partfile  = 1_bit;
   static constexpr session_flags_t paused  = 2_bit;
   static constexpr portmap_protocol udp  = portmap_protocol::udp;
   static constexpr portmap_protocol tcp  = portmap_protocol::tcp;
   static constexpr reopen_network_flags_t reopen_map_ports  = 0_bit;
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bool is_valid () const;

returns true if this handle refers to a valid session object. If the session has been destroyed, all session_handle objects will expire and not be valid.

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session_params session_state (save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all()) const;

returns the current session state. This can be passed to write_session_params() to save the state to disk and restored using read_session_params() when constructing a new session. The kind of state that's included is all settings, the DHT routing table, possibly plugin-specific state. the flags parameter can be used to only save certain parts of the session state

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refresh_torrent_status() get_torrent_status()

std::vector<torrent_status> get_torrent_status (
      std::function<bool(torrent_status const&)> const& pred
      , status_flags_t flags = {}) const;
void refresh_torrent_status (std::vector<torrent_status>* ret
      , status_flags_t flags = {}) const;


these calls are potentially expensive and won't scale well with lots of torrents. If you're concerned about performance, consider using post_torrent_updates() instead.

get_torrent_status returns a vector of the torrent_status for every torrent which satisfies pred, which is a predicate function which determines if a torrent should be included in the returned set or not. Returning true means it should be included and false means excluded. The flags argument is the same as to torrent_handle::status(). Since pred is guaranteed to be called for every torrent, it may be used to count the number of torrents of different categories as well.

refresh_torrent_status takes a vector of torrent_status structs (for instance the same vector that was returned by get_torrent_status() ) and refreshes the status based on the handle member. It is possible to use this function by first setting up a vector of default constructed torrent_status objects, only initializing the handle member, in order to request the torrent status for multiple torrents in a single call. This can save a significant amount of time if you have a lot of torrents.

Any torrent_status object whose handle member is not referring to a valid torrent are ignored.

The intended use of these functions is to start off by calling get_torrent_status() to get a list of all torrents that match your criteria. Then call refresh_torrent_status() on that list. This will only refresh the status for the torrents in your list, and thus ignore all other torrents you might be running. This may save a significant amount of time, especially if the number of torrents you're interested in is small. In order to keep your list of interested torrents up to date, you can either call get_torrent_status() from time to time, to include torrents you might have become interested in since the last time. In order to stop refreshing a certain torrent, simply remove it from the list.

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void post_torrent_updates (status_flags_t flags = status_flags_t::all());

This functions instructs the session to post the state_update_alert, containing the status of all torrents whose state changed since the last time this function was called.

Only torrents who has the state subscription flag set will be included. This flag is on by default. See add_torrent_params. the flags argument is the same as for torrent_handle::status(). see status_flags_t in torrent_handle.

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void post_session_stats ();

This function will post a session_stats_alert object, containing a snapshot of the performance counters from the internals of libtorrent. To interpret these counters, query the session via session_stats_metrics().

For more information, see the session statistics section.

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void post_dht_stats ();

This will cause a dht_stats_alert to be posted.

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void set_dht_state (dht::dht_state const& st);
void set_dht_state (dht::dht_state&& st);

set the DHT state for the session. This will be taken into account the next time the DHT is started, as if it had been passed in via the session_params on startup.

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get_torrents() find_torrent()

std::vector<torrent_handle> get_torrents () const;
torrent_handle find_torrent (sha1_hash const& info_hash) const;

find_torrent() looks for a torrent with the given info-hash. In case there is such a torrent in the session, a torrent_handle to that torrent is returned. In case the torrent cannot be found, an invalid torrent_handle is returned.

See torrent_handle::is_valid() to know if the torrent was found or not.

get_torrents() returns a vector of torrent_handles to all the torrents currently in the session.

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add_torrent() async_add_torrent()

void async_add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params);
void async_add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params);
torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params, error_code& ec);
torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params);
torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params const& params, error_code& ec);
torrent_handle add_torrent (add_torrent_params&& params);

You add torrents through the add_torrent() function where you give an object with all the parameters. The add_torrent() overloads will block until the torrent has been added (or failed to be added) and returns an error code and a torrent_handle. In order to add torrents more efficiently, consider using async_add_torrent() which returns immediately, without waiting for the torrent to add. Notification of the torrent being added is sent as add_torrent_alert.

The save_path field in add_torrent_params must be set to a valid path where the files for the torrent will be saved. Even when using a custom storage, this needs to be set to something. If the save_path is empty, the call to add_torrent() will throw a system_error exception.

The overload that does not take an error_code throws an exception on error and is not available when building without exception support. The torrent_handle returned by add_torrent() can be used to retrieve information about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also used to abort a torrent.

If the torrent you are trying to add already exists in the session (is either queued for checking, being checked or downloading) add_torrent() will throw system_error which derives from std::exception unless duplicate_is_error is set to false. In that case, add_torrent() will return the handle to the existing torrent.

The add_torrent_params class has a flags field. It can be used to control what state the new torrent will be added in. Common flags to want to control are torrent_flags::paused and torrent_flags::auto_managed. In order to add a magnet link that will just download the metadata, but no payload, set the torrent_flags::upload_mode flag.

Special consideration has to be taken when adding hybrid torrents (i.e. torrents that are BitTorrent v2 torrents that are backwards compatible with v1). For more details, see BitTorrent v2 torrents.

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resume() pause() is_paused()

void pause ();
bool is_paused () const;
void resume ();

Pausing the session has the same effect as pausing every torrent in it, except that torrents will not be resumed by the auto-manage mechanism. Resuming will restore the torrents to their previous paused state. i.e. the session pause state is separate from the torrent pause state. A torrent is inactive if it is paused or if the session is paused.

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bool is_dht_running () const;

is_dht_running() returns true if the DHT support has been started and false otherwise.

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void set_dht_storage (dht::dht_storage_constructor_type sc);

set_dht_storage set a dht custom storage constructor function to be used internally when the dht is created.

Since the dht storage is a critical component for the dht behavior, this function will only be effective the next time the dht is started. If you never touch this feature, a default map-memory based storage is used.

If you want to make sure the dht is initially created with your custom storage, create a session with the setting settings_pack::enable_dht to false, set your constructor function and call apply_settings with settings_pack::enable_dht to true.

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void add_dht_node (std::pair<std::string, int> const& node);

add_dht_node takes a host name and port pair. That endpoint will be pinged, and if a valid DHT reply is received, the node will be added to the routing table.

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void dht_get_item (sha1_hash const& target);

query the DHT for an immutable item at the target hash. the result is posted as a dht_immutable_item_alert.

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void dht_get_item (std::array<char, 32> key
      , std::string salt = std::string());

query the DHT for a mutable item under the public key key. this is an ed25519 key. salt is optional and may be left as an empty string if no salt is to be used. if the item is found in the DHT, a dht_mutable_item_alert is posted.

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sha1_hash dht_put_item (entry data);

store the given bencoded data as an immutable item in the DHT. the returned hash is the key that is to be used to look the item up again. It's just the SHA-1 hash of the bencoded form of the structure.

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void dht_put_item (std::array<char, 32> key
      , std::function<void(entry&, std::array<char, 64>&
      , std::int64_t&, std::string const&)> cb
      , std::string salt = std::string());

store a mutable item. The key is the public key the blob is to be stored under. The optional salt argument is a string that is to be mixed in with the key when determining where in the DHT the value is to be stored. The callback function is called from within the libtorrent network thread once we've found where to store the blob, possibly with the current value stored under the key. The values passed to the callback functions are:

entry& value
the current value stored under the key (may be empty). Also expected to be set to the value to be stored by the function.
std::array<char,64>& signature
the signature authenticating the current value. This may be zeros if there is currently no value stored. The function is expected to fill in this buffer with the signature of the new value to store. To generate the signature, you may want to use the sign_mutable_item function.
std::int64_t& seq
current sequence number. May be zero if there is no current value. The function is expected to set this to the new sequence number of the value that is to be stored. Sequence numbers must be monotonically increasing. Attempting to overwrite a value with a lower or equal sequence number will fail, even if the signature is correct.
std::string const& salt
this is the salt that was used for this put call.

Since the callback function cb is called from within libtorrent, it is critical to not perform any blocking operations. Ideally not even locking a mutex. Pass any data required for this function along with the function object's context and make the function entirely self-contained. The only reason data blob's value is computed via a function instead of just passing in the new value is to avoid race conditions. If you want to update the value in the DHT, you must first retrieve it, then modify it, then write it back. The way the DHT works, it is natural to always do a lookup before storing and calling the callback in between is convenient.

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dht_get_peers() dht_announce()

void dht_get_peers (sha1_hash const& info_hash);
void dht_announce (sha1_hash const& info_hash, int port = 0, dht::announce_flags_t flags = {});

dht_get_peers() will issue a DHT get_peer request to the DHT for the specified info-hash. The response (the peers) will be posted back in a dht_get_peers_reply_alert.

dht_announce() will issue a DHT announce request to the DHT to the specified info-hash, advertising the specified port. If the port is left at its default, 0, the port will be implied by the DHT message's source port (which may improve connectivity through a NAT). dht_announce() is not affected by the announce_port override setting.

Both these functions are exposed for advanced custom use of the DHT. All torrents eligible to be announce to the DHT will be automatically, by libtorrent.

For possible flags, see announce_flags_t.

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void dht_live_nodes (sha1_hash const& nid);

Retrieve all the live DHT (identified by nid) nodes. All the nodes id and endpoint will be returned in the list of nodes in the alert dht_live_nodes_alert. Since this alert is a response to an explicit call, it will always be posted, regardless of the alert mask.

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void dht_sample_infohashes (udp::endpoint const& ep, sha1_hash const& target);

Query the DHT node specified by ep to retrieve a sample of the info-hashes that the node currently have in their storage. The target is included for iterative lookups so that indexing nodes can perform a key space traversal with a single RPC per node by adjusting the target value for each RPC. It has no effect on the returned sample value. The result is posted as a dht_sample_infohashes_alert.

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void dht_direct_request (udp::endpoint const& ep, entry const& e, client_data_t userdata = {});

Send an arbitrary DHT request directly to the specified endpoint. This function is intended for use by plugins. When a response is received or the request times out, a dht_direct_response_alert will be posted with the response (if any) and the userdata pointer passed in here. Since this alert is a response to an explicit call, it will always be posted, regardless of the alert mask.

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void add_extension (std::shared_ptr<plugin> ext);
void add_extension (std::function<std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>(
      torrent_handle const&, client_data_t)> ext);

This function adds an extension to this session. The argument is a function object that is called with a torrent_handle and which should return a std::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin>. To write custom plugins, see libtorrent plugins. For the typical bittorrent client all of these extensions should be added. The main plugins implemented in libtorrent are:

uTorrent metadata
Allows peers to download the metadata (.torrent files) from the swarm directly. Makes it possible to join a swarm with just a tracker and info-hash.
#include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_metadata.hpp>
uTorrent peer exchange
Exchanges peers between clients.
#include <libtorrent/extensions/ut_pex.hpp>
smart ban plugin
A plugin that, with a small overhead, can ban peers that sends bad data with very high accuracy. Should eliminate most problems on poisoned torrents.
#include <libtorrent/extensions/smart_ban.hpp>
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get_ip_filter() set_ip_filter()

void set_ip_filter (ip_filter f);
ip_filter get_ip_filter () const;

Sets a filter that will be used to reject and accept incoming as well as outgoing connections based on their originating ip address. The default filter will allow connections to any ip address. To build a set of rules for which addresses are accepted and not, see ip_filter.

Each time a peer is blocked because of the IP filter, a peer_blocked_alert is generated. get_ip_filter() Returns the ip_filter currently in the session. See ip_filter.

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void set_port_filter (port_filter const& f);

apply port_filter f to incoming and outgoing peers. a port filter will reject making outgoing peer connections to certain remote ports. The main intention is to be able to avoid triggering certain anti-virus software by connecting to SMTP, FTP ports.

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ssl_listen_port() is_listening() listen_port()

bool is_listening () const;
unsigned short listen_port () const;
unsigned short ssl_listen_port () const;

is_listening() will tell you whether or not the session has successfully opened a listening port. If it hasn't, this function will return false, and then you can set a new settings_pack::listen_interfaces to try another interface and port to bind to.

listen_port() returns the port we ended up listening on.

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set_peer_class_filter() get_peer_class_filter()

ip_filter get_peer_class_filter () const;
void set_peer_class_filter (ip_filter const& f);

Sets the peer class filter for this session. All new peer connections will take this into account and be added to the peer classes specified by this filter, based on the peer's IP address.

The ip-filter essentially maps an IP -> uint32. Each bit in that 32 bit integer represents a peer class. The least significant bit represents class 0, the next bit class 1 and so on.

For more info, see ip_filter.

For example, to make all peers in the range - belong to their own peer class, apply the following filter:

ip_filter f = ses.get_peer_class_filter();
peer_class_t my_class = ses.create_peer_class("200.1.x.x IP range");
f.add_rule(make_address(""), make_address("")
        , 1 << static_cast<std::uint32_t>(my_class));

This setting only applies to new connections, it won't affect existing peer connections.

This function is limited to only peer class 0-31, since there are only 32 bits in the IP range mapping. Only the set bits matter; no peer class will be removed from a peer as a result of this call, peer classes are only added.

The peer_class argument cannot be greater than 31. The bitmasks representing peer classes in the peer_class_filter are 32 bits.

The get_peer_class_filter() function returns the current filter.

For more information, see peer classes.

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set_peer_class_type_filter() get_peer_class_type_filter()

peer_class_type_filter get_peer_class_type_filter () const;
void set_peer_class_type_filter (peer_class_type_filter const& f);

Sets and gets the peer class type filter. This is controls automatic peer class assignments to peers based on what kind of socket it is.

It does not only support assigning peer classes, it also supports removing peer classes based on socket type.

The order of these rules being applied are:

  1. peer-class IP filter
  2. peer-class type filter, removing classes
  3. peer-class type filter, adding classes

For more information, see peer classes.

[report issue]


peer_class_t create_peer_class (char const* name);

Creates a new peer class (see peer classes) with the given name. The returned integer is the new peer class identifier. Peer classes may have the same name, so each invocation of this function creates a new class and returns a unique identifier.

Identifiers are assigned from low numbers to higher. So if you plan on using certain peer classes in a call to set_peer_class_filter(), make sure to create those early on, to get low identifiers.

For more information on peer classes, see peer classes.

[report issue]


void delete_peer_class (peer_class_t cid);

This call dereferences the reference count of the specified peer class. When creating a peer class it's automatically referenced by 1. If you want to recycle a peer class, you may call this function. You may only call this function once per peer class you create. Calling it more than once for the same class will lead to memory corruption.

Since peer classes are reference counted, this function will not remove the peer class if it's still assigned to torrents or peers. It will however remove it once the last peer and torrent drops their references to it.

There is no need to call this function for custom peer classes. All peer classes will be properly destructed when the session object destructs.

For more information on peer classes, see peer classes.

[report issue]

set_peer_class() get_peer_class()

void set_peer_class (peer_class_t cid, peer_class_info const& pci);
peer_class_info get_peer_class (peer_class_t cid) const;

These functions queries information from a peer class and updates the configuration of a peer class, respectively.

cid must refer to an existing peer class. If it does not, the return value of get_peer_class() is undefined.

set_peer_class() sets all the information in the peer_class_info object in the specified peer class. There is no option to only update a single property.

A peer or torrent belonging to more than one class, the highest priority among any of its classes is the one that is taken into account.

For more information, see peer classes.

[report issue]


void remove_torrent (const torrent_handle&, remove_flags_t = {});

remove_torrent() will close all peer connections associated with the torrent and tell the tracker that we've stopped participating in the swarm. This operation cannot fail. When it completes, you will receive a torrent_removed_alert.

remove_torrent() is non-blocking, but will remove the torrent from the session synchronously. Calling session_handle::add_torrent() immediately afterward with the same torrent will succeed. Note that this creates a new handle which is not equal to the removed one.

The optional second argument options can be used to delete all the files downloaded by this torrent. To do so, pass in the value session_handle::delete_files. Once the torrent is deleted, a torrent_deleted_alert is posted.

The torrent_handle remains valid for some time after remove_torrent() is called. It will become invalid only after all libtorrent tasks (such as I/O tasks) release their references to the torrent. Until this happens, torrent_handle::is_valid() will return true, and other calls such as torrent_handle::status() will succeed. Because of this, and because remove_torrent() is non-blocking, the following sequence usually succeeds (does not throw system_error): .. code:: c++

session.remove_handle(handle); handle.save_resume_data();

Note that when a queued or downloading torrent is removed, its position in the download queue is vacated and every subsequent torrent in the queue has their queue positions updated. This can potentially cause a large state_update to be posted. When removing all torrents, it is advised to remove them from the back of the queue, to minimize the shifting.

[report issue]

get_settings() apply_settings()

void apply_settings (settings_pack const&);
settings_pack get_settings () const;
void apply_settings (settings_pack&&);

Applies the settings specified by the settings_pack s. This is an asynchronous operation that will return immediately and actually apply the settings to the main thread of libtorrent some time later.

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set_alert_notify() wait_for_alert() pop_alerts()

void set_alert_notify (std::function<void()> const& fun);
alert* wait_for_alert (time_duration max_wait);
void pop_alerts (std::vector<alert*>* alerts);

Alerts is the main mechanism for libtorrent to report errors and events. pop_alerts fills in the vector passed to it with pointers to new alerts. The session still owns these alerts and they will stay valid until the next time pop_alerts is called. You may not delete the alert objects.

It is safe to call pop_alerts from multiple different threads, as long as the alerts themselves are not accessed once another thread calls pop_alerts. Doing this requires manual synchronization between the popping threads.

wait_for_alert will block the current thread for max_wait time duration, or until another alert is posted. If an alert is available at the time of the call, it returns immediately. The returned alert pointer is the head of the alert queue. wait_for_alert does not pop alerts from the queue, it merely peeks at it. The returned alert will stay valid until pop_alerts is called twice. The first time will pop it and the second will free it.

If there is no alert in the queue and no alert arrives within the specified timeout, wait_for_alert returns nullptr.

In the python binding, wait_for_alert takes the number of milliseconds to wait as an integer.

The alert queue in the session will not grow indefinitely. Make sure to pop periodically to not miss notifications. To control the max number of alerts that's queued by the session, see settings_pack::alert_queue_size.

Some alerts are considered so important that they are posted even when the alert queue is full. Some alerts are considered mandatory and cannot be disabled by the alert_mask. For instance, save_resume_data_alert and save_resume_data_failed_alert are always posted, regardless of the alert mask.

To control which alerts are posted, set the alert_mask (settings_pack::alert_mask).

If the alert queue fills up to the point where alerts are dropped, this will be indicated by a alerts_dropped_alert, which contains a bitmask of which types of alerts were dropped. Generally it is a good idea to make sure the alert queue is large enough, the alert_mask doesn't have unnecessary categories enabled and to call pop_alert() frequently, to avoid alerts being dropped.

the set_alert_notify function lets the client set a function object to be invoked every time the alert queue goes from having 0 alerts to 1 alert. This function is called from within libtorrent, it may be the main thread, or it may be from within a user call. The intention of of the function is that the client wakes up its main thread, to poll for more alerts using pop_alerts(). If the notify function fails to do so, it won't be called again, until pop_alerts is called for some other reason. For instance, it could signal an eventfd, post a message to an HWND or some other main message pump. The actual retrieval of alerts should not be done in the callback. In fact, the callback should not block. It should not perform any expensive work. It really should just notify the main application thread.

The type of an alert is returned by the polymorphic function alert::type() but can also be queries from a concrete type via T::alert_type, as a static constant.

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delete_port_mapping() add_port_mapping()

void delete_port_mapping (port_mapping_t handle);
std::vector<port_mapping_t> add_port_mapping (portmap_protocol t, int external_port, int local_port);

add_port_mapping adds one or more port forwards on UPnP and/or NAT-PMP, whichever is enabled. A mapping is created for each listen socket in the session. The return values are all handles referring to the port mappings that were just created. Pass them to delete_port_mapping() to remove them.

[report issue]


void reopen_network_sockets (reopen_network_flags_t options = reopen_map_ports);

Instructs the session to reopen all listen and outgoing sockets.

It's useful in the case your platform doesn't support the built in IP notifier mechanism, or if you have a better more reliable way to detect changes in the IP routing table.

[report issue]


std::shared_ptr<aux::session_impl> native_handle () const;

This function is intended only for use by plugins. This type does not have a stable API and should be relied on as little as possible.

[report issue]
saves settings (i.e. the settings_pack)
[report issue]
saves dht state such as nodes and node-id, possibly accelerating joining the DHT if provided at next session startup.
[report issue]
load or save state from plugins
[report issue]
load or save the IP filter set on the session
[report issue]
global_peer_class_id tcp_peer_class_id local_peer_class_id
built-in peer classes
[report issue]
delete the files belonging to the torrent from disk. including the part-file, if there is one
[report issue]
delete just the part-file associated with this torrent
[report issue]
when set, the session will start paused. Call session_handle::resume() to start
[report issue]
udp tcp
protocols used by add_port_mapping()
[report issue]
This option indicates if the ports are mapped using natpmp and upnp. If mapping was already made, they are deleted and added again. This only works if natpmp and/or upnp are configured to be enable.
[report issue]

write_session_params() read_session_params() write_session_params_buf()

Declared in "libtorrent/session_params.hpp"

entry write_session_params (session_params const& sp
   , save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all());
session_params read_session_params (bdecode_node const& e
   , save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all());
session_params read_session_params (span<char const> buf
   , save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all());
std::vector<char> write_session_params_buf (session_params const& sp
   , save_state_flags_t flags = save_state_flags_t::all());

These functions serialize and de-serialize a session_params object to and from bencoded form. The session_params object is used to initialize a new session using the state from a previous one (or by programmatically configure the session up-front). The flags parameter can be used to only save and load certain aspects of the session's state. The _buf suffix indicates the function operates on buffer rather than the bencoded structure. The torrents in a session are not part of the session_params state, they have to be restored separately.